Bongo Bolero
Bongo Bolero are Nikki Andrews and Richard Durnford
They have developed an original and contemporary style of performance that mixes circus, comedy, theatre and movement. They seek to thrill and entertain audiences of all types the world over. Since the mid-nineties they have produced professional work of the highest standards and continue to perform regularly in cabarets, corporate events, festivals and circuses internationally.
Our Team
Nicola Andrews
Nikki performed and taught since her days as a competitive gymnast. Her acrobatic and aerial skills have taken her to venues throughout Europe, Australia, Canada, Africa and Japan. After years performing trapeze, she decided to concentrate further on acrobalance by studying at the French National Circus School. On return in search of vibrant places to train, she arrived in Bristol and was quickly taken on as head acrobatic tutor at Circomedia teaching the rising stars of the future. As a performer and tutor she continues to explore new ways of presenting acrobatics to people using comedy, theatre, and dance.
Richard Hopkins-Durnford
Since 1988 Richard has worked full-time as a circus artist performing all over the world. A direct descendent of the the great Victorian showman Randall Williams he has at one time or another performed as a juggler, escapologist, fakir, unicyclist trapeze artist and acrobat. Studying Ashtanga Yoga with Patahbhi Jois in India in 1993 was a huge influence and he has intensively trained in acrobatics and flying trapeze at various circus schools in the the UK, the USA, and France. Along with Nikki Andrews he was a founder member of the experimental Stage Fright Productions until they founded their own company Bongo Bolero in 1999. Their enduring collaboration continues to produce circus based performance work of the utmost quality.