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Dick Danger Dad Dancer

Witness the worlds loudest juggling routine and marvel as Dick Danger attempts to ascend the chair stack of insanity to balance on his hands high above the ground. Dick Danger dances like no-one is watching and it's possible that those who are actually watching may just wish they weren't.

Dick Danger Dad Dancer
Dick Danger Dad Dancer

Time & Location

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About the event

"I don't know what it is, some kind of magician acrobat, but it's f*****g funny!"

Audience member - Corby Grow Festival 2018

  • The show lasts about 30-mins.
  • A minimum playing space of 4m x 4m with 4m clear height is required but it is adaptable.
  • Set up is about 5 minutes and is done to music as part of the show.
  • The show is completely self-contained.
  • Changing space facilities are required.
  • Parking space would be appreciated.
  • And finally an audience (but can be done without).

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